Every October, a conference called "Hutchmoot" is held in Nashville. Hosted by The Rabbit Room, Hutchmoot is an opportunity for people from far and wide to gather in Nashville to celebrate art, music, story, and faith. Not everyone can make it out to Nashville for this unique experience, so Old Orchard is very excited to be hosting a Housemoot this fall. This “moot” (/mo͞o͞t/, noun, from the Entish, meaning ‘meeting’ or ‘assembly’) will allow us to enjoy some of the same lectures, artistic interludes, recipes, and activities from Hutchmoot, but we can use them to connect with people in our own communities here in St. Louis!

 If you are not familiar with the Rabbit Room, it is an organization based in Nashville, TN that seeks to “cultivate and curate story, music, and art to nourish Christ-centered communities for the life of the world.” Musicians and artists like Andrew Peterson, Jonathan Rogers, Taylor Leonhard, Malcolm Guite, and many others work with the Rabbit Room to produce quality artwork and thoughtful engagement. Old Orchard members Emily Tipping and Heather Sparkman have each had the opportunity to attend several Hutchmoots and they are excited to have the chance to share with you a taste of one of their favorite things.

What Happens at a Housemoot?

Excellent Question! There will be food, and books, and probably some music and art, and probably some talking about the things we love. We’ll watch some recorded lectures provided by the Rabbit Room, and we’ll definitely have lots of fun. You can see a tentative schedule below, but what we hope to provide is a space for Christians - and those who are interested to know more about Christianity and the arts - to engage with and consider how art can nourish, challenge, and shape us.


If you would like to help, share your artwork, sing an original song, or otherwise participate, please let us know! See Heather or Emily to connect about how you might participate in Housemoot! There is no cost to attend, but please RSVP as this will help us to plan better. You can RSVP by clicking the button below. If you have any questions, please contact Heather Sparkman or Emily Tipping at or

OOC Housemoot Schedule October 18 & 19, 2024

October 18

5:00 to 6:00 pm | Welcome! Come in, enjoy some snacks, browse books, talk about your favorite things, make some art, take time to settle into the evening.

6:00 pm | Dinner - we’ll sit down and enjoy dinner together.

7:30 pm | Keynote Lecture: Reading Matters: How to Read Better Words Well. This pre-recorded lecture will feature author and professor Karen Swallow Prior and was recorded exclusively for Housemoot.

8:30 pm | We’ll take a few minutes to debrief, discuss, ask questions, and enjoy one another.

October 19

9:00 to 9:30 am | Biscuits and Jam! We’re stealing this Hutchmoot tradition and will enjoy a light breakfast of Chef John Cal’s Hutchmoot biscuits.

9:30 am | Gather in the sanctuary to sing a few songs together and thank God for the good gifts He has given to us.

10:00 am | Lecture #2: Happiness, Goodness, and Making. This pre-recorded lecture will feature author Jonathan Rogers.

11:15 am | We’ll take a few minutes to debrief, discuss, ask questions, and enjoy one another.

11:30 am | Lunch Break! Bring your lunch or go pick something up and come back to enjoy lunch together in the church parlor. Or take a walk in the neighborhood. Stretch your legs and enjoy the quiet.

1:30 pm | Lecture #3: Imitation, Inspiration, Aspiration: Three Practices and Postures for Creative Growth This pre-recorded lecture will feature Sarah Crowley Chestnut.

2:45 pm | We’ll take a few minutes to debrief, discuss, ask questions, and enjoy one another.

3:00 pm | Snack Break! Light snacks in the parlor; take a walk in the neighborhood; find a place to write; take a nap on a pew.

4:00 pm | Lecture #4: Three True Outcomes: Tool, Trend, Tragedy—A Perspective on Artmaking and Artificial-Intelligence. This pre-recorded lecture will feature John Hendrix.

5:15 pm | We’ll take a few minutes to debrief, discuss, ask questions, and enjoy one another.

5:30 pm | Goodbyes. We’ll say a prayer of thanksgiving and break from our day.

Note: This a lot of information for a small amount of time. Housemoot weekend is for you, so if you can only come to a part of the weekend or need extra time to nap or write a song, please use the time as you need it. The folks at The Rabbit Room are fond of saying, “We have a plan for the weekend, but we don’t have a plan for your weekend.” The content should be a ministry to you, not a burden. We‘re happy to have you wherever you can participate in Housemoot!