Our Story


Our History

Old Orchard Church was founded in 1981. Our lovely old building, at the corner of Amelia and Fairlawn in the Old Orchard neighborhood in Webster Groves, Missouri, was built in 1897. We are a member congregation of the Presbyterian Church in America, a church in the Reformed tradition emphasizing both the majesty and tenderness of God and the relevance of the person and work of Jesus Christ to every facet of human life and thought.


The Truth of Christianity

We believe that Christianity, with its central message that Jesus Christ is the one hope for the whole world, is true. It is intellectually defensible and culturally relevant, satisfying the deep spiritual hunger in the human heart and making sense of the world we live in. Christianity insists that pinning our hope on science or education or psychology or political reform for ultimate answers to life's big questions would sooner or later prove to be misplaced confidence. God as the creator of all things is the one who gives meaning to everything we see and know. For us to seek purpose from created and finite things that which only a personal and eternal Creator can give, is ultimately empty. As C. S. Lewis, Cambridge professor and defender of Christianity in the modern world, once wrote: "I believe in Christianity as I believe in the sun: not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else."

A Community of Believers

As families and single people we are trying to live out what it means to be God's family. Together we worship, serve in ministries of mercy, and share the good news that the Kingdom of God has come. We enjoy the good world God has made, sometimes playing, sometimes working together. We are serious about sharing our struggles and weaknesses to promote healing in a broken world. We are committed to bringing people together from a diversity of races, ages, classes and backgrounds. Believing that we are held together by the truth that we each belong to the same Lord,  we enjoy an authentic, family-like atmosphere.


The purpose of worship is to glorify God, and to know and love him better. Our worship is comfortable yet focused and prayerful. There is no specific dress code; some choose to dress casual, others wear their Sunday best. The service weaves together traditional patterns of prayer, praise and teaching from the Bible with contemporary elements. We celebrate the Lord's Supper together weekly.