Old Orchard Church

Belonging to Christ!

Worship Services at 10:15 on Sunday Mornings

Our purpose is to be a community of Jesus Christ’s followers who, in our time and place and by the power of the Holy Spirit, enjoy God and bring pleasure to him, and for the sake of the world live as a demonstration of who God is.
— OOC Mission Statement
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A Community of Believers

As families and single people we are trying to live out what it means to be God's family. Together we worship, serve in ministries of mercy, and share the good news that the Kingdom of God has come. We enjoy the good world God has made, sometimes playing, sometimes working together. We are serious about sharing our struggles and weaknesses to promote healing in a broken world. We are committed to bringing people together from a diversity of races, ages, classes and backgrounds. Believing that we are held together by the truth that we each belong to the same Lord,  we enjoy an authentic, family-like atmosphere.

Come Join Us!

We meet weekly with services beginning at 10:15 am on Sunday mornings, but come a little early to enjoy some coffee and snacks as we enjoy one another’s company before worship begins. We enjoy this time of fellowship and community and would love for you to join us.


Where Are We?

We are a neighborhood church and our beautiful building has been on this corner in Webster Groves since 1897. As a result, parking is on-street and sometimes requires a little walk. Please allow yourself a few extra minutes to be sure to arrive at worship on time.

Parking directly in front of the church is reserved for elderly, handicapped, and visitors. Ushers are available at the front door and an elevator is available at the side door for anyone who may need assistance.